Sunday, June 25, 2006

Our Son's Graduation Party

On that day, June 22, 2006 was a historical day for our son, since he was graduated from his kindergarten level and is prepared to enter the 1st grade in next couple months. The principal gave a diploma letter to all the children who passed the academic program, includes our son. It was a precious moment for us as the parent to see our son could elicit his first graduation, and We knew exactly from his teacher what he has done nicely so far in his class such as reading, math, and writing. The ceremonial party took time at 6:15 pm and was beginned with a theatrical show called "seven brother and seven brides". The show told us about seven cowboy brothers who lived in the mountain. The oldest brother went down to the nearest city, got acquainted with local girl and asked her to marry him. The girl said yes and they were back to the ranch where the younger seven brothers also lived. At the beginning, the other six brother felt strange to interract with their sister in law, yet as the time passed by, they perceived that they also needed spouses to take care of every single of them. Thus, the six brother finally went down to the city, but unlike what their oldest brother did, they just kidnapped six local girls to be prepared as their brides. The local people couldn't help those girls since the boys was successfuly isolated the road to their ranch with a heavy avalanche. So, the rescue team decided to wait until the ice hopefully melted in the next season. Meanwhile, the girls had no choice and finally married the six cowboy brothers and tried to adopt with living in the ranch environment. Surprisingly, the girls felt convenient to live in daily ranch neighborhood and they decided not to go back to their origin city. The show was funny, entertained, and made us proud about the kids who could perform the drama with full confidence in front of their teacher, friends, parents and relatives. Many thanks to all teachers, especially Mrs.Barbara Hart, who not only work hard for academic stuffs but also for children personality development. Two thumbs up ! Bravo !!


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